Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tipping the Scale

To add to yesterdays post another common mistake people make is relying on the numbers on a scale.  It's not our fault, that is what we have been programed to do.
When you are serious about getting healthy, go ahead and get on the scale for a base line, but more importantly TAKE MEASUREMENTS.  Most people are under the impression that they wanna lose weight, when in fact we are really looking to lose SIZE.  It all goes back to the childhood riddle, "What weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks." I know putting it this way may sound silly but we often forget this rationale.
The truth of the matter is I can care less what number is on the scale, if I continue to lose INCHES and get back to a size 38, that's the bigger of the end goal.  This way of thinking took me awhile to grasp and it was a hard habit to break, but if you are doing the right healthy things you too will see the results in the mirror.  You don't carry a scale with you all the time so everyone you come across only sees those inches coming off.


Warm Up
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Run Lunge

3 Rounds for Time    My Time- 16:18
5 Tire Flips  
10 Burpees
15 Squats
20 Sit Ups

2x 60sec Plank Holds

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