Monday, June 10, 2013

I am a Champion

"The worst thing I could be, is the same as everybody else.  I'd hate that."
                                                                          -Arnold Schwarzenegger

Today after a long day at work I came home and was getting ready to hit the gym.  Well, my little buddy ask:

Little guy: "Da da where you going?"
Me: "To the gym."
Little guy: "I'll go too."
Me: "You can't"
Little guy: " I'm a big boy, I can go. I can run with you I'm super fast."

Long conversation short, me and my buddy worked out in the front yard then went on a walk/jog together.  It seems that as we grow up and become adults we loose that drive and confidence that we can do anything.  We forget that we are "SUPER FAST."

Everyday I tell my son he is a champion.  This is a practice my wife and I started a year ago after attending Success School, which is a business conference we attend twice a year for our Advocare business.  My son without a doubt believes he is a champion.  When he plays make-believe with other kids they pretend to be all kind of things from police, cowboys, and monsters.  My little buddy very confidently proclaims "I am a CHAMPION."  When he makes this claim you better acknowledge him because he will say it louder till you do.  This is the attitude we all should strive for.  We are all Champions,  you just have to keep saying it louder and louder until you are heard.

It is the day we want most to skip the workout, that we need to workout the most.  I have experienced this first hand.  The first year I started CrossFit I never missed a single scheduled class.  When that one day I missed the first time, it became easier to justify not making it.  In that moment we give in, the slippery slope affect begins.  The longer we slip the harder it is to get back on track.

You must trust yourselves enough to commit to the inner you that you will not quit.  If your body truly needs a rest make sure you set a date to when you will be back in the game.  I said a rest not a vacation.  A day, two at the most.  

Strive to be WHO you want to be!  Don't try to be WHAT you can't believe you can be!  You can't be Michael Phelps if you can't swim.  Be realistic with your goals.  Make them challenging but attainable.  


Warm Up
30 Jumping Jacks
15 Sit ups
10 Pass Thrus

50, 40, 30, 20, 10
Kettle bell Swings 35#
Sit ups
Air Squats
My Time 32:34

Walk / Jog 3/4 mile
"Da da, you need help?"

Little Buddy doing air squats

Him: "Da da, we done?  Time to run!"
Me: "Not yet Da da is trying to breath."
Him: "OK."

"1, 2, 3 Go. Da da how may more tricks you have left?"

"Go SUPER FAST, we have to run!!!"

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