Thursday, June 20, 2013

Eating Right

What does it really mean to eat right?  If you eat with your left hand, is that wrong?
All kidding aside,  what a guy who is 100 lbs wanting to gain mass probably won't eat the same as someone like me trying to trim down.

In my opinion, outside of medical dietary nutrition, dietary nutrition comes down to personal preference and what you are trying to achieve.  There is no one way to eat healthy.  Paleo, calorie counting, low carb, low fat, vegan, or vegetarian, have all worked for someone.  The most important part of selecting one of these life styles, yes I said life style, is to choose the one that you can commit to and live with.  Not to say you can't change along the way, but it also is going to depend on the fitness results you are trying to achieve.

Back when I posted "Anything Worth Doing, is Worth Doing Right" I talked about supplementation.  Now I will not sit here and pretend to know everything about supplementation, though I have educated myself with the help of AdvoCare and the support/success system that has been in place for 20 years.  

The first and most common mistake that most people make is a well balance breakfast.  Now if you think like I used to I thought well balanced breakfast meant the perfect ratio of milk to Fruit Loops.  I now know better.  A good balance of carb and protein is the best option.  When you don't have time to prepare a breakfast meal that fits this, an excellent choice is an AdvoCare Meal Replacement Shake, which is a balanced meal for optimal nutrition and weight management and has a 1:1 ratio of proteins to carbohydrates.  Next mistake people make is not eating enough throughout the day.  Eating small healthy snacks in between meals keeps you metabolism going.  Also, don't starve yourself just because you think it is late.  Just make sure what you do eat is protein and low in carbs.

A good COMPLETE core nutritional supplement is essential.  The only thing I can say here is QUALITY over QUANTITY (price).  I do believe in getting a value, but cheaper is not always better.
When you buy your vitamins from a BIG BOX STORE, the people working there may not have the knowledge or education to guide you on your fitness journey.  As an AdvoCare distributor, I can and will provide you with guidance and help on the product line AdvoCare provides at now cost.

24 Day Challenge cost about $8.50/day
(As an AdvoCare distributor about $5.00 - $6.50/day)
For more information visit Spark and Gold or e-mail
Warm Up

10 Air Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
Samson Stretch
400m Run 

(Shout out to RIVER PARISH CROSSFIT, I got this one from them)
10 min AMRAP
start with 3 and up it by multiples of 3
My AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15
Toe to Bar
Front Squat 95#

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