Friday, June 7, 2013

Determination Today Leads to Success Tomorrow

Though New Mexico was full of good times and outdoor adventures, the hiking trip was a major reality check.  In my first post I mentioned "I was not looking to change my lifestyle or my inner self; but change it was a coming."  
This change came into my life via my wonderful, beautiful partner and wife Ashley.  Since I am mentioning my wife, I want to thank and recognize her for supporting me in my venture and helping edit my blog.  
While in New Mexico Ashley called and said she wanted to give some "diet" a try.  At least that's what I heard.  Well as the typical fade dieter like so many people are I was willing to try anything.  

What I called a "diet", wasn't a diet at all, it was a jump start to a healthier life style.  Ashley and I started a program called the "24 Day Challenge" by a health and wellness company called Advocare.  In 24 days I lost 12 pounds with no workout program.  

Fast forward a year and some occasional product use, (mostly the mental focus drink called Spark).  
As with anything talk is cheap.  I finally was fed up with ME.  August 8, 2011 I made the decision to take a stand and get healthy.  I started back on a supplement routine with the Advocare products since we also made the decision to become advisors and build a successful business.  On this same day I walked into Crossfit New Orleans.  

At 300 pounds I was very much outside my comfort zone.  With hard work and dedication I lost 50 pounds in 8 months.  The most best part was I lost 10 inches off my waist too.

With life, as it often does, got hectic and things plateau for me.  
I am now back on track and will be sharing my workouts and results.  

Feel free to comment and share your own results.  I am also going to start posting my workouts for those interested.
August 2011
August 2011

December 2011
December 2011
Amazingly, these results jump started our Advocare business.

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