Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lesson Two "The Park Service is Smarter Than Me."

After a good nights rest we load up.  We arrive at the Trail Head and read the Park Service signage at the start.  A quick review of the posted trail map. CHECK.  Geared up truck locked. CHECK.  Read over warning label signage posted by the Park Service. Check.  Heeded warnings.  OOPS!  Sign said "DO NOT START HIKE AFTER 12 NOON."  I check my watch,  "Lets Roll, its 11:45 a.m."
The Journey begins!
10 minutes in
Not much later, But I found a walking stick.

Alex: "Look at the snow."
Mark: "That's just white rocks"
Giovanni: "Lets bet. I'm with Alex"

We were RIGHT!!!

He was WRONG!!

This is what packing wrong looks like.

NO! We are not there yet!
Alex just broke the news to me 3 hours after we started.
Alex: "I got good news and bad news"
Giovanni: "Good news first"
Alex: "We are heading back down, bad news this isn't Wheeler Peak its Frasier"
Right after this picture was taken two older gentlemen came around that corner and had to step around me because I wasn't moving.

Mark: "Guys, I got bad news too. I ate All the M&Ms. 
Giovanni: "Yep, clean out of gummie bears.  We're screwed"

On the way down
Alex: "We need to do this again some other time"
Giovanni: " ARE YOU CRAZY?!"
We are now in the planning phase our comeback hike for JUNE 2014
Giovanni: "I'm coming,  Who's DUMB IDEA was this anyway!
I hope you have enjoyed the PREQUEL to the upcoming preparatory events and "THE REMATCH"

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