Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Anything Worth Doing, is Worth Doing Right

Today I started to narrow down the huge list of gear I have been researching.  It is unreal the many different items you need to have for a hike and at the same time trying to minimize the load weight.  I have discovered a new way of looking at packing.  Grams equals ounces, ounces equal pounds, and pounds equals space.  Until I really got into the nuts and bolts I didn't quite understand when people were telling me that everything comes down to ounces.  Simply enough when you think about it, it makes all the sense in the world.

Shedding pounds from a backpack seems hard enough.  Getting those pounds off of the body is a whole another battle.  To say it takes work is an under statement.  I firmly believe there are three core pillars needed to accomplish this.  If you neglect one of the them it becomes a balancing act, like a tripod with just two legs.  These three things are exercise, diet, and supplementation.

Lets break these three subjects down individually.

          Do a workout that you think is a step above your level.  Don't take this to the extreme.
          If you can bench press 150#, don't jump to 300#.

Diet: This word is very misunderstood.  Diet it what you consume, not some fad idea you see on TV.  
         I have discovered that when you eat the right things regularly, your body begins to crave those
         good foods.  But when you eat those delicious bad foods your body rejects it.  
         A good diet must be sustainable.  If you "crash diet" to lose weight, when you go back to normal 
         those pounds you lost come back, plus some.

Supplementation:  This is not reserved just for the meat heads that pump iron.  Supplements are just     
         that,  they are excellent companions to a healthy diet.  In reality, we can not eat enough good 
         foods to  get what the body needs.  I have learned a lot about taking supplements through 
         Advocare.  Their Scientific and Medical Board have conducted breakout sessions at Success 
         School where they explain and bring a lot of this information into prospective.  The best a doctor 
         can in layman's terms.  
If you have questions about supplementation, Advocare and the opportunity it offers to get healthy, gain energy, and provide a financial supplementation to the ole wallet, or if you would like to get a FREE sample of our mental focus / energy drink e-mail me at sparkandgold@gmail.com or click on the link and visit us at sparkandgold.com .
Objects in picture are as they appear!


Warm Up
25 Run Lunges
10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
250 m Run

Hanging Grace
for time    My Time- 13:02
30 Hang Clean and Jerk  95#

Back Squats

30 Russian Twist w/10# med ball

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