Thursday, June 20, 2013

Eating Right

What does it really mean to eat right?  If you eat with your left hand, is that wrong?
All kidding aside,  what a guy who is 100 lbs wanting to gain mass probably won't eat the same as someone like me trying to trim down.

In my opinion, outside of medical dietary nutrition, dietary nutrition comes down to personal preference and what you are trying to achieve.  There is no one way to eat healthy.  Paleo, calorie counting, low carb, low fat, vegan, or vegetarian, have all worked for someone.  The most important part of selecting one of these life styles, yes I said life style, is to choose the one that you can commit to and live with.  Not to say you can't change along the way, but it also is going to depend on the fitness results you are trying to achieve.

Back when I posted "Anything Worth Doing, is Worth Doing Right" I talked about supplementation.  Now I will not sit here and pretend to know everything about supplementation, though I have educated myself with the help of AdvoCare and the support/success system that has been in place for 20 years.  

The first and most common mistake that most people make is a well balance breakfast.  Now if you think like I used to I thought well balanced breakfast meant the perfect ratio of milk to Fruit Loops.  I now know better.  A good balance of carb and protein is the best option.  When you don't have time to prepare a breakfast meal that fits this, an excellent choice is an AdvoCare Meal Replacement Shake, which is a balanced meal for optimal nutrition and weight management and has a 1:1 ratio of proteins to carbohydrates.  Next mistake people make is not eating enough throughout the day.  Eating small healthy snacks in between meals keeps you metabolism going.  Also, don't starve yourself just because you think it is late.  Just make sure what you do eat is protein and low in carbs.

A good COMPLETE core nutritional supplement is essential.  The only thing I can say here is QUALITY over QUANTITY (price).  I do believe in getting a value, but cheaper is not always better.
When you buy your vitamins from a BIG BOX STORE, the people working there may not have the knowledge or education to guide you on your fitness journey.  As an AdvoCare distributor, I can and will provide you with guidance and help on the product line AdvoCare provides at now cost.

24 Day Challenge cost about $8.50/day
(As an AdvoCare distributor about $5.00 - $6.50/day)
For more information visit Spark and Gold or e-mail
Warm Up

10 Air Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
Samson Stretch
400m Run 

(Shout out to RIVER PARISH CROSSFIT, I got this one from them)
10 min AMRAP
start with 3 and up it by multiples of 3
My AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15
Toe to Bar
Front Squat 95#

Monday, June 17, 2013

Power of Positive Thinking

Ok if you are one of the many people out there who read the title of this post and thought "that's easier said then done" this ones for you.

The first step I take in thinking positive is think POSITIVE.  Picture the prize, the feeling of victory, not the agonizing hard work it is going to take to get there.  Hard work is inevitable, SO DEAL WITH IT.

I realize that I opened up on the tough side but if I tell you what you want to hear instead of what we need to hear, you only get what you already have.  I wish I would not have tuned out all those times people told me what I needed to hear.  It is true when they say the truth hurts, but lies destroy.

Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder. Let the challenges make you strong, for that which does not kill us makes us stronger.

"Be positive, stop hating your body. Reject all negative thoughts because they have no right to define you. Build yourself up because you deserve it.  You are more than a number, a goal, or a disease.  You are stronger than any perception or opinion anyone has ever had about you. "
                                                                                           -Author Unknown

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Under Pressure


"Life isn't about finding yourself.  Life is about creating yourself."
                                                                  -George Bernard Shaw

We always say that we are stressed because of one thing or another.  Is it really those external situations that are stressing us or are they just convenient excuses?  Is the pressure we are under self induced?

A piece of coal is dirty and useless.  Not until at least heat is applied do you get energy created from it,  but when a piece of coal is under extreme heat and pressure a diamond is formed.  Most of the times when things are not going right for us we feel like a lump of coal.  When we have had enough of being in that situation, it is then we gain the energy (heat) to do something about it.  At that point, when it seems we are controlling the situation, life happens (extreme pressure).  It is when life happens we must be the strongest.  Most of us can be strong for other people, but when it comes to ourselves we let the pressure over whelm us and the heat burns out.

If we can just store enough heat, when the pressure builds it will be in that moment we will become our greatest treasure.



Warm Up
30 Jumping Jacks
30 High Knees
30 Run Lunges

My Time- 8:57
21 Reverse Burpees
9 Push Ups
15 Reverse Burpees
15 Push Ups
9 Reverse Burpees
21 Push Ups

50 Russian Twist
15 Sit Ups with 40#

400 m Run with 40#

Thursday, June 13, 2013

What's your Purpose?

One thing is for sure with no purpose you have no drive.  At this point in my life I have a few purposes of setting forth to accomplish what most dream about.  I am getting healthy, fit, trekking up to the Wheeler Peak Summit, and helping others to achieve their health and financial goals.

My family is the biggest purpose for the driving force behind me.  I want my kids to know that they can over come obstacles life throws at us.  Now, one may take a look at my beautiful angel, our oldest and question my thinking.  She may not be able to over come her obstacles as easy as others my but I will teach her that as long as you give it your very best that is what matters.

Giovanni II (4), Mary Grace (6 mo), and Elizabeth (6)

I myself have over come statistical odds.  I was a high school dropout.  Something I am not proud of but it is part of my journey of who I am today.  At 30 years of age I decided I didn't want my mistakes to be the guiding example for my kids.  I will never lie to them about my short falls but I can say I am proud to be an example of fighting out of a hole.  

These three blessings are the sole reason we are building a powerful and meaningful Advocre business.  Ashley and I decided we wanted to leave a legacy for our kids and at the same time we are ensuring that Elizabeth will not be a financial burden on the other two.  I thank GOD every day that Advocare found us and we accepted the blessing.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tipping the Scale

To add to yesterdays post another common mistake people make is relying on the numbers on a scale.  It's not our fault, that is what we have been programed to do.
When you are serious about getting healthy, go ahead and get on the scale for a base line, but more importantly TAKE MEASUREMENTS.  Most people are under the impression that they wanna lose weight, when in fact we are really looking to lose SIZE.  It all goes back to the childhood riddle, "What weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks." I know putting it this way may sound silly but we often forget this rationale.
The truth of the matter is I can care less what number is on the scale, if I continue to lose INCHES and get back to a size 38, that's the bigger of the end goal.  This way of thinking took me awhile to grasp and it was a hard habit to break, but if you are doing the right healthy things you too will see the results in the mirror.  You don't carry a scale with you all the time so everyone you come across only sees those inches coming off.


Warm Up
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Run Lunge

3 Rounds for Time    My Time- 16:18
5 Tire Flips  
10 Burpees
15 Squats
20 Sit Ups

2x 60sec Plank Holds

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Anything Worth Doing, is Worth Doing Right

Today I started to narrow down the huge list of gear I have been researching.  It is unreal the many different items you need to have for a hike and at the same time trying to minimize the load weight.  I have discovered a new way of looking at packing.  Grams equals ounces, ounces equal pounds, and pounds equals space.  Until I really got into the nuts and bolts I didn't quite understand when people were telling me that everything comes down to ounces.  Simply enough when you think about it, it makes all the sense in the world.

Shedding pounds from a backpack seems hard enough.  Getting those pounds off of the body is a whole another battle.  To say it takes work is an under statement.  I firmly believe there are three core pillars needed to accomplish this.  If you neglect one of the them it becomes a balancing act, like a tripod with just two legs.  These three things are exercise, diet, and supplementation.

Lets break these three subjects down individually.

          Do a workout that you think is a step above your level.  Don't take this to the extreme.
          If you can bench press 150#, don't jump to 300#.

Diet: This word is very misunderstood.  Diet it what you consume, not some fad idea you see on TV.  
         I have discovered that when you eat the right things regularly, your body begins to crave those
         good foods.  But when you eat those delicious bad foods your body rejects it.  
         A good diet must be sustainable.  If you "crash diet" to lose weight, when you go back to normal 
         those pounds you lost come back, plus some.

Supplementation:  This is not reserved just for the meat heads that pump iron.  Supplements are just     
         that,  they are excellent companions to a healthy diet.  In reality, we can not eat enough good 
         foods to  get what the body needs.  I have learned a lot about taking supplements through 
         Advocare.  Their Scientific and Medical Board have conducted breakout sessions at Success 
         School where they explain and bring a lot of this information into prospective.  The best a doctor 
         can in layman's terms.  
If you have questions about supplementation, Advocare and the opportunity it offers to get healthy, gain energy, and provide a financial supplementation to the ole wallet, or if you would like to get a FREE sample of our mental focus / energy drink e-mail me at or click on the link and visit us at .
Objects in picture are as they appear!


Warm Up
25 Run Lunges
10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
250 m Run

Hanging Grace
for time    My Time- 13:02
30 Hang Clean and Jerk  95#

Back Squats

30 Russian Twist w/10# med ball

Monday, June 10, 2013

I am a Champion

"The worst thing I could be, is the same as everybody else.  I'd hate that."
                                                                          -Arnold Schwarzenegger

Today after a long day at work I came home and was getting ready to hit the gym.  Well, my little buddy ask:

Little guy: "Da da where you going?"
Me: "To the gym."
Little guy: "I'll go too."
Me: "You can't"
Little guy: " I'm a big boy, I can go. I can run with you I'm super fast."

Long conversation short, me and my buddy worked out in the front yard then went on a walk/jog together.  It seems that as we grow up and become adults we loose that drive and confidence that we can do anything.  We forget that we are "SUPER FAST."

Everyday I tell my son he is a champion.  This is a practice my wife and I started a year ago after attending Success School, which is a business conference we attend twice a year for our Advocare business.  My son without a doubt believes he is a champion.  When he plays make-believe with other kids they pretend to be all kind of things from police, cowboys, and monsters.  My little buddy very confidently proclaims "I am a CHAMPION."  When he makes this claim you better acknowledge him because he will say it louder till you do.  This is the attitude we all should strive for.  We are all Champions,  you just have to keep saying it louder and louder until you are heard.

It is the day we want most to skip the workout, that we need to workout the most.  I have experienced this first hand.  The first year I started CrossFit I never missed a single scheduled class.  When that one day I missed the first time, it became easier to justify not making it.  In that moment we give in, the slippery slope affect begins.  The longer we slip the harder it is to get back on track.

You must trust yourselves enough to commit to the inner you that you will not quit.  If your body truly needs a rest make sure you set a date to when you will be back in the game.  I said a rest not a vacation.  A day, two at the most.  

Strive to be WHO you want to be!  Don't try to be WHAT you can't believe you can be!  You can't be Michael Phelps if you can't swim.  Be realistic with your goals.  Make them challenging but attainable.  


Warm Up
30 Jumping Jacks
15 Sit ups
10 Pass Thrus

50, 40, 30, 20, 10
Kettle bell Swings 35#
Sit ups
Air Squats
My Time 32:34

Walk / Jog 3/4 mile
"Da da, you need help?"

Little Buddy doing air squats

Him: "Da da, we done?  Time to run!"
Me: "Not yet Da da is trying to breath."
Him: "OK."

"1, 2, 3 Go. Da da how may more tricks you have left?"

"Go SUPER FAST, we have to run!!!"

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Life's Six Rules of Success

I have been pondering the direction in which I wanted to take this blog.  My main goal is to ensure that I don't run out of things to post while keeping things interesting.

Surprisingly, I am leaping out of my comfort zone with the hopes of creating something great.  The verdict is that I will be using this blog as a life journal for all to share.  I will share my goals and accomplishments.  Positive Motivation will be the purpose.

I am a very passionate person.  I believe this comes from the depths of my life story.  To say my life was and is a roller coaster ride would not exactly be true.  My life seems to have been a series of cliff dives followed by a long hike to the peak (sounds familiar).  Early on some of those cliff dive appeared to be bottomless pits, but by the grace of GOD and loving parents I landed as softly as could be expected.  Through out this journey I will share these stories where they fit.

I have a great love for motivational sayings and videos.  If you really listen to them, the messages speak to us all and can get you through the darkest of times.
If through my actions and writings I can motivate just one person to find their dream, get the motivation, drum up the courage to do what was never imagined, I have succeeded!

Once again I want to Thank You for your interest in my story.


20 walk lunges
10 push ups
10 sit ups
Samson stretch

Work Out of the Day (WOD)*
8 minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)
5x dumbbell snatch each arm (45#)
5x dumbbell thrusters each arm (45#)
10x Burpees


15x sit up with 25# plate / Russian twist each way every time 
60 second plank hold


10 degree incline
run 20 sec / rest 10 sec for 10 min @ 5mph
walk for 5 min @ 3.5mph

Friday, June 7, 2013

Determination Today Leads to Success Tomorrow

Though New Mexico was full of good times and outdoor adventures, the hiking trip was a major reality check.  In my first post I mentioned "I was not looking to change my lifestyle or my inner self; but change it was a coming."  
This change came into my life via my wonderful, beautiful partner and wife Ashley.  Since I am mentioning my wife, I want to thank and recognize her for supporting me in my venture and helping edit my blog.  
While in New Mexico Ashley called and said she wanted to give some "diet" a try.  At least that's what I heard.  Well as the typical fade dieter like so many people are I was willing to try anything.  

What I called a "diet", wasn't a diet at all, it was a jump start to a healthier life style.  Ashley and I started a program called the "24 Day Challenge" by a health and wellness company called Advocare.  In 24 days I lost 12 pounds with no workout program.  

Fast forward a year and some occasional product use, (mostly the mental focus drink called Spark).  
As with anything talk is cheap.  I finally was fed up with ME.  August 8, 2011 I made the decision to take a stand and get healthy.  I started back on a supplement routine with the Advocare products since we also made the decision to become advisors and build a successful business.  On this same day I walked into Crossfit New Orleans.  

At 300 pounds I was very much outside my comfort zone.  With hard work and dedication I lost 50 pounds in 8 months.  The most best part was I lost 10 inches off my waist too.

With life, as it often does, got hectic and things plateau for me.  
I am now back on track and will be sharing my workouts and results.  

Feel free to comment and share your own results.  I am also going to start posting my workouts for those interested.
August 2011
August 2011

December 2011
December 2011
Amazingly, these results jump started our Advocare business.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lesson Two "The Park Service is Smarter Than Me."

After a good nights rest we load up.  We arrive at the Trail Head and read the Park Service signage at the start.  A quick review of the posted trail map. CHECK.  Geared up truck locked. CHECK.  Read over warning label signage posted by the Park Service. Check.  Heeded warnings.  OOPS!  Sign said "DO NOT START HIKE AFTER 12 NOON."  I check my watch,  "Lets Roll, its 11:45 a.m."
The Journey begins!
10 minutes in
Not much later, But I found a walking stick.

Alex: "Look at the snow."
Mark: "That's just white rocks"
Giovanni: "Lets bet. I'm with Alex"

We were RIGHT!!!

He was WRONG!!

This is what packing wrong looks like.

NO! We are not there yet!
Alex just broke the news to me 3 hours after we started.
Alex: "I got good news and bad news"
Giovanni: "Good news first"
Alex: "We are heading back down, bad news this isn't Wheeler Peak its Frasier"
Right after this picture was taken two older gentlemen came around that corner and had to step around me because I wasn't moving.

Mark: "Guys, I got bad news too. I ate All the M&Ms. 
Giovanni: "Yep, clean out of gummie bears.  We're screwed"

On the way down
Alex: "We need to do this again some other time"
Giovanni: " ARE YOU CRAZY?!"
We are now in the planning phase our comeback hike for JUNE 2014
Giovanni: "I'm coming,  Who's DUMB IDEA was this anyway!
I hope you have enjoyed the PREQUEL to the upcoming preparatory events and "THE REMATCH"

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lesson One "Too Much of a Good Thing is BAD!!"

Ok, where were we.  Oh the stroll up a "HILL".

After dinner we drove around to figure out where we needed to start in the morning.

Scouting out the evening before.
Yes, the one in the far background 
 After roaming allover the Taos area asking the locals for directions we located the Taos Ski Village.

Taos Ski Village at the Trail Head.
Like any great adventurers we made a trip to the local Wal-Mart to get supplies.  This was a very interesting trip to Wal-Mart.  I have lived in South Louisiana my whole life.  July is one of the hottest months of the year.  It took Mark and Alex the better half of our trip to convince me I need to buy a jacket because it would be chilly up there.

Now we need rations.  Alex logically grabs beef jerky, nuts and water.  Mark stocked up on trail-mix, M&Ms, and water.  I grabbed the essentials,  loaf of bread, sandwich meat, two bags of chips (to share of course), water, and the all important nutritious gummie bears x3 (not to share of course).  Another 20 minutes of "INTENSE FELLOWSHIPING" and we walked out of Wal-mart with beef jerky, nuts, M&Ms, three cases of water, chips, and the all important nutritious gummie bears x4 (one extra to share).

We get back to the hotel and start packing.  Of course I pack the biggest bag I had with me and successfully filled it up.  I smartly packed two flashlights, night vision goggles, camera, compass, water, chips, gummie bears, handgun, batteries for flash light x10, batteries for night vision x6, extra ammo x3 boxes (50 rounds each), a change of clothes, hotel toilet paper x2, hotel towel, and Wal-Mart bags to carryout trash.  In all about 60-70 lbs of stuff for a ONE DAY hike.  Keep in mind this was just my bag.

With all this gear packed I left no room for common logic. This comment will make more sense when you read tomorrow's post.

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Best Memories come from Bad Ideas!

"Today I want you to ask yourself a question.  WHY NOT YOU?  Why not you to do something for work that you love?  Why not you to have a healthy body?  Why not you to have healthy love? Why not you to be, have, or do anything you ever dreamed?!  We are so Quick to think others are deserving over ourselves.  The truth is that we are all deserving SO WHY NOT YOU?!"

                                                                                                                      -Jillian Michaels

The day I read this quote it was as Jillian was talking directly to me.  Now I hope to pass it to YOU.

Though I was unaware of it, this journey which I am inviting you on, started back in July 2010 in Taos, New Mexico at the trail head in the Carson National Forest, Trail 90.  At the same moment I was boldly and over confidently, which is a huge understatement, setting forth to conquer the highest peak in New Mexico (13,161 ft) an opportunity had found me.  I was not looking to change my lifestyle or my inner self; but change it was a coming.

       This is a photo of the WOLFPACK taken on the way down of the epic fail to get to Wheeler Peak.
                                                         (Mark, Giovanni, and Alex)

The above photo is the definition of the title of this post.  The Best Memories come from Bad Ideas!

It was 4th of July weekend and we were having a great 3 day weekend, which we went whitewater rafting on the upper Rio Grande River and did some site seeing in the Taos area.  One of the rafting tour guides told us about the scenic and awesome views on the trails to Wheeler Peak.  Well, as the great adventurers we thought we were decided over dinner that night we would tackle this "HILL" they call Wheeler Peak.  Boy were we wrong!
Stay Tuned, it gets worse!